Rules & Regulations

  • Patrons must be decently attired and adhere to the SEGi College Penang dress code.
  • Patrons are advised to maintain a quiet environment in the Library. Answering or making calls on mobile phones and playing of any audio devices is strictly prohibited.
  • Keep the environment clean by not littering.
  • Vandalism or theft of materials/properties is a serious offence and offenders will be subjected to disciplinary actions by the Management.
  • Students without student card are not allowed to enter the Library.
  • Upon returning books at the Circulation Counter, patrons must ensure that the books are properly checked-in before leaving the counter.
  • No furniture, equipment or fixtures in the Library should be moved without prior authorization from the Library personnel.
  • Socket points meant for Library computers/electrical equipments are not to be unplugged and used for personal laptop or other devices.
  • There shall be no loan transactions ie. borrow, return, renewal, 15 minutes before closing time.
  • Patrons who defy the Rules and Regulations would be reported to their respective Dean/Head of Faculty, Schools, Departments or Centres for disciplinary action. The patron’s library privileges would also be suspended until further notice.
  • Management may make amendments to the Rules and Regulations without notice where deemed necessary.